- 本会定名为新加坡华源会 (HUA YUAN ASSOCIATION),以下简称本会。
- 本会会址设于 57 Genting Lane ,01-00,S349564 或以后由理事会决定,并经社团注册官批准的其它地址。本会的活动应按要求在有关机构书面批准的地点举行。
3.1 本会的宗旨如下:
3.2 为上述之宗旨,本会将举办各类有益于会员及其它社会团体的活动。如有必要经新加坡政府有关 部门批准,本会可以成立个别小组如艺术团、少年宫等,以安排及策划活动。
4.1 凡年满十八岁的新加坡公民或永久居民,品行端正者,都可申请为国内正式会员。
5.1 有意加入本会并符合条件者须填写《申请表》,并上交秘书处或网站递交。
5.2 新会员必须由两名本会会员介绍,交由理事会审核批准,两周后由会员组或者执行秘书通知申请人。
5.3 新会员应在收到理事会的入会通知的一个月内,按本章程的规定缴纳入会费和年费。新会员缴纳入会费和年费后,会员组将本会章程发给新会员。
6.1 未按本章程的规定缴纳入会费和年费的会员,本会会员组应通知该会员,并限期其在接到会员组催款通知后的一个月内缴纳入会费和年费,除本理事会认为可以接受的理由,否则该会员应被认为自动放弃其会员资格,并且自始至终就没有成为本会会员。自动放弃会员资格的会员应将理事会要求退还的物品退回给本会。
6.2 对于任何有损害本会利益之行为的会员,经出席理事会会议的半数理事同意,理事会有权取消其 会员资格,并由本会会员组通知该会员。会员无论因何种原因被取消会员资格,均应立即缴清所欠款项。
6.3 被取消会员资格的会员,有权就此向会员大会提出上诉。会员大会对理事会的决定有否决权,并 且会员大会的决定是终局的。
7.1 每位新会员的入会行政费为10新元。
7.2 所有国内正式会员应缴纳五十新元年费,或一次性缴纳三百新元成为永久国内会员。或按会员大会视本会的财政情况而另行新收费制。
7.3 所有国内普通会员应缴纳十新元年费。或按会员大会视本会的财政情况另行新收费制。
7.4 所有国内企业会员应缴纳两百新元年费,或一次性缴纳一千新元成为永久国内企业会员。或按会员大会视本会的财政情况而另行制定的新收费制缴费。
7.5所有国际正式会员应缴纳五百新元入会费及两百新元年费。 或按会员大会视本会的财政情况而另行制定的新收费制缴费。
8.1 会员大会为本会的最高权力机构。会员大会由会长召集。
8.2 会员大会分为常年会员大会和特别会员大会。本会常年会员大会于每年四月举行。
8.3 如有 25%以上的会员联名要求召开特别会员大会;或理事会认为有必要时,均应召开特别会员大会。召开特别会员大会的通知要提交秘书处。特别会员大会应自收到通知之日起两个月内召开。特别会员大会不可选举或更换理事。
8.4 如果理事会在收到通知后两个月内没有召开特别会员大会,则要求召开特别会员大会的会员可以召开特别会员大会,但须提前 10 天通知有选举权的会员,同时将会议议程公布在本会的网页上。
8.5 举行常年会员大会应至少提前十四天通知会员,特别会员大会则应至少提前七天通知会员。通知的内容应包括会议时间、地点及议程。所有的通知均应提前四天在本会的网页上公布。
8.6 除非本会章程另有规定,会员大会上的有选举权的会员可亲自投票,也可以由委托他人代为投票,但未出席会员大会的有选举权的会员,在委托他人代为投票时,应在会员大会开会前向秘书处提交委托书。每位受委托投票的人只能接受一位有选举权的会员的书面委托。
8.7 除常年会员大会通知中的其他议程外,常年会员大会必须对下列事项作出决议: a) 审查全年财务报告和全年会务报告。
b) 有需要时,选举下一届理事会成员及荣誉审计员。
8.8 会员如有其他提案列入本次大会议程,须于大会召开之前一星期提交秘书处。理事会有权决定该提案是否应列入本次会员大会的议程。对于会员提出而理事会未同意列入本次会员大会的议程,会员有权利在会员大会上提出,并由出席会员大会有选举权的会员表决,如出席会员大会有选举 权的会员有超过半数的会员认为应讨论此议题,则会员大会应将该议题列为下次会员大会上应讨论的议题。
8.9 每次会员大会,须有全体会员 25%或 30 名有投票权的会员(不包括受委托投票者)出席,方为有效。
8.10 会员大会如不足法定人数,则应延后半小时。届时如仍不足法定人数,则出席人数,无论多寡, 即认为已达法定人数,但本次大会无权修改章程。

9.1 本会交由理事会负责管理。理事会成员由每三年举行的常年会员大会选出。理事会由下列人员组 成:
9.2 理事会的候选人应由两名会员分别提名及附议,交每三年常年会员大会选举产生,以多数票当选。 理事会成员任期为三年,经选举年的常年会员大会选举可以连任,唯财政和副财政的职位不得连任。
9.3 选举年的常年会员大会在选举理事会成员时,或需要表决时,可以投票进行,如票数相等,会议主席具有决定权。
9.4 理事会会议每两个月至少举行一次, 连同日常会务可通过互联网召开,由秘书处负责会议记录,整理归档。在理事会会议召开前七天,秘书处应将会议议程、时间和地点通知各位理事。会长可以随时召集理事会会议,但必须于会议前五天通过互联网通知各位理事。理事会会议需至少半数以上理事通过,方为有效。理事会会议若需表决,可以投票进行,如票数相等,会议主席具有决定权。
9.5 理事会成员如无充分理由,连续三次缺席理事会会议,将被认为自动退出理事会,或任何理事因 其他原因不能履行理事职务而辞职,由理事会决定人选以填补空缺。新理事会成员任期至下次选举年 的常年会员大会时止。任何理事会成员之变动应在变动后两个星期内呈报社团注册官。
9.6 在每届理事会的任期内,如有任何理事的行为违背本会的宗旨或危害本会之利益和名誉,经一名理事提议,另一名理事附议,会长应召集特别理事会会议。如果出席特别理事会议的多数理事表决认为该理事不适合担任理事职务,则理事会将取消其理事资格。被取消理事资格的理事,有权在接到理事会的通知后的两个星期内根据本章程第 8.8 条的规定提出上诉,要求会员大会讨论理事会的决议, 会员大会的决定是终局的。未在本条规定的时间内提出上诉的,理事会的决定应视为终局的。
9.7 理事会负责处理本会一切日常会务。理事会根据本会日常会务的需要,可以成立管理委员会,管理委员会的设立、成员的组成和职责由理事会决定。理事会不得作出违反会员大会意愿的决定,并受制于会员大会。
9.8 理事会为本会利益,有权从本会基金中支出每月不超过 S$15,000 的费用。
10.1 会长任会员大会及理事会会议主席,并对外代表本会。
10.2 副会长协助会长工作,在会长缺席时执行会长代理其职务。
10.3 秘书长应负责本会的日常具体事务,协调和督促本会各部门之间的工作,保存除财务之外的所有 记录并确保会员大会和理事会的会议纪要;负责随时更新会员的注册资料。
10.4 副秘书长协助秘书长工作,并于秘书长缺席时代理其职务。
10.5 财政代表本会负责保管本会基金及所有收款和付款,建立资金往来帐目,并确保准确。财政每月的零用金支出不得超过S$2000,所保存的现金也不得超过S$2000,其余款项应全部存入本会在银行的帐户内。本会的支票由财政、会长执行会长、秘书长四人中的两人联合签署生效。
10.6 副财政协助财政工作,并于财政缺席时,代理其职务。
10.7 理事协助执行本会的日常事务或理事会安排的其他事宜。
10.8 本会有权设立名誉会长,名额不限,名誉会长可以对本会的发展和理事会的工作提出建议和意见。
10.9 担任本届会长超过三届将自动成为本会永久荣誉顾问
11.1 常年会员大会选出两名非理事会成员的有投票权的会员为本会荣誉审计员,任期为一年,期满不得连任。
a. 审计员负责核查本会当个财政年度的全部帐目,并于常年会员大会上作帐目审查报告。 b. 审计员应会长要求,可查核本会当年任何一时期之帐目,并向理事会报告。
11.3 本会的财政年度为2月1日到次年的1月31日。
12.1 本会如置有产业,此产业须交信托人管理,并签订委托书。
12.2 本会信托人应符合下列条件:
a. 信托人为二到四人。
b. 信托人由会员大会选出。
c. 信托人无权在会员大会同意前出售或抵押本会的任何产业。
12.3 信托人于下列情况下解除职务:
a) 信托人死亡或患精神性疾病。
b) 信托人离开新加坡超过一年。
c) 信托人被认为行为不检,不适宜继续担任信托人之职。
d) 信托人辞职。如信托人因行为不检,不适宜续任信托人之职时,则必须召开会员大会,终止其信托人之职位,并另选他人以承其缺。
12.4 辞退信托人或补选信托人须召开会员大会,并提前两个星期将内容公布于本会网页上。此会员大会的结果应呈报社团注册官。
12.5 本会不动产的地址和信托人的姓名及其任何变动均必须呈报社团注册官。
13. 任何来访者及宾客经批准,可进入本会会所,但不享有特权。每位来访者或宾客都必须遵守本会的规章制度。
14.1 任何方式之赌博,除了私人彩券法案第 250 节下的任何彩券,一律不得在本会所内进行;一切 赌具、毒品及不正当人物均在禁止之列。
14.2 本会公款不得用于缴付任何会员之法庭罚款。
14.3 本会不得参与现时在新加坡生效的法律明文规定的任何商业联合会的活动。
14.4 本会不得以任何方式控制价格或给予折扣、津贴、退款等,或以任何其他方式干预市场。
14.5 本会不得参与政治,亦不得将公款或会所供作政治用途。
14.6 除非得到有关机构的准许,本会不得以本会、理事会或理事会成员等名义开办彩票,无论彩票是 否仅限于会员购买,一律在禁止之列。
14.7 本会不得在经新加坡警署、执照部主管或其他机构的批准前,以任何方式向公众筹集款项。
15. 本会章程由常年会员大会或特别会员大会修改,并须经出席会员大会三分之二以上会员通过。修 改的章程报社团注册官批准后,方能实施。
16. 本会章程未明确规定之事宜,由理事会负责解释。理事会的解释为终局的,除非会员大会作出相 反的决定。
17. 如果会员有任何有关本会的争议,须向特别会员大会提出,按本会章程解决。如果无法解决,会 员可以向法院提起诉讼。
18.1 本会的解散由会员大会决定。当前居住在新加坡的会员亲自出席,或派委托人出席,五分之三以 上的会员投票决定解散,则本会应当解散。
18.2 本会如依照上述(18.1)项规定而解散时,本会应清理一切债权、债务。如有余款,由会员大会决 定处置或交付新加坡的有关慈善机构。
18.3 本会解散后,须于七日内具函通知社团注册官。
- This Society shall be known as the “Hua Yuan Association”here in after referred to as the “Association”.
- The place of business of the Association shall be at ”57 Genting Lane 01-00,S349564” or such other address as may subsequently be decided by the Committee and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The Association shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.
3.1 The objects of the Association are:
- a) To assist members to integrate into the multi-racial society of Singapore.
- b) To facilitate better communication among members.
- c) To cultivate the spirit of mutual help and friendship among members.
- d) To promote friendship and interaction among members of the Association and those of other communities.
- e) To organize various social activities and functions for members and their immediate
- f) To promote commercial relationship between Singapore and the world; to connect and develop commercial platforms for members in Singapore and globally.
3.2 In furtherance of the above objects, the Association may organize various activities for the benefit of the members and other communities. The Association may form groups to organize such activities e.g. Art Group, Children’s Palace subject to the approval of the relevant authorities, where necessary.
4.1 Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents who are 18 years of age and above, with good characters are eligible to be Full Local Members.
4.2 Chinese Citizens who hold long term student pass and / or professional working pass and / or long term residence pass (Valid for 1 year and above) are eligible to be Ordinary Local Members of the Association.
4.3 Persons who hold valid identification documents and agree to abide by the rules of this Constitution are eligible to apply as local corporate members on behalf of their company. Local corporate members (or corporate representatives) are entitled to take part in events and activities organized by the Association in Singapore (a maximum of 3 people per event), and link their company website to the Association’s website.
4.4 Persons who hold valid identification documents and agree to abide by the rules of this Constitution and voluntarily pay membership dues to the Association can apply as Full International Members Full Hua Yuan Bussiness Association Members. Full International Members Hua Yuan Bussiness Association Members (non-transferable) are entitled to a range of services provided by all branch associations and contact points of the World Federation of Huayuan Associations, including concierge service, information exchange and the sharing of resources.
4.5 Persons who hold valid identification documents and agree to abide by the rules of this Constitution and voluntarily pay membership dues to the Association are eligible to apply as international corporate members Hua Yuan Bussiness Association Corporate Members on behalf of their company. international corporate members Hua Yuan Bussiness Association Members (or corporate representatives) are entitled to take part in events and activities organized by the Association worldwide (a maximum of 3 people per event), and link their company website to the Association’s website. International corporate members (a maximum of 3 people per event) are entitled to a range of services provided by all branch associations and contact points of the World Federation of Huayuan Associations, including concierge service, information exchange and the sharing of resources.
4.6 Ordinary local membership automatically expires when his/her long term student pass and / or professional working pass and / or long term residence pass is invalid.
4.7 Ordinary local members, local corporate members and international corporate members are entitled to take part in all activities organized by the Association, except that they have no right to vote and to hold office in the Association.
5.1 A person who wishes to join the Association shall submit his or her particulars to the General Secretary on a prescribed registration form.
5.2 A new member shall be introduced by two existing local members. The membership shall be assessed and approved by the Committee. The membership division or the executive secretary will inform the applicant on the results of his or her membership application within 2 weeks processing time.
5.3 New members shall pay entrance fee and annual membership fee to the Association within one month of the notification of acceptance from the Association as specified in this constitution. A copy of the constitution shall be furnished to every approved member upon payment of the entrance fee and annual fee.
6.1 The membership division shall notify members who do not pay entrance fee and annual membership fee to the Association on time to settle the payment within one month of the notification. Those who fail to pay the fees within one month of the notification will be regarded as having forfeited their membership on their own accord and have never been accepted as members, unless doing so with reasons deemed as acceptable by the Committee. Those who forfeit their membership on their own accord shall return all belongings of the Association as requested.
6.2 The Committee may recommend any member whose conduct is deemed to be injurious or prejudicial to the interest of the Association for expulsion at the Committee meeting with the approval of more than half of the members of the Committee present. Following the termination of membership for whatever reason, all outstanding amounts shall become immediately due and payable by the member.
6.3 The member who is expelled shall have the right to appeal in the General Meeting of members on his expulsion. The decision of the General Meeting shall be final.
7.1 Administration fee for a new member is S$10.
7.2 Annual full local membership fee is S$50 for every member, or a one-time payment of $300 for permanent membership. A new membership fee can be decided during the Annual General Meeting based on the financial situation of the Association.
7.3 Annual membership fee is S$10 for every ordinary local member. A new membership fee can be decided during the Annual General Meeting based on the financial situation of the Association.
7.4 Annual membership fee is S$200 for every local corporate member, or a one-time payment of S$1000 for permanent membership. A new membership fee can be decided during the Annual General Meeting based on the financial situation of the Association.
7.5 A joining fee of S$500 and S$200 annual membership fee shall be paid by every full international member. A new membership fee can be decided during the Annual General Meeting based on the financial situation of the Association.
7.6 A joining fee of S$2000 and S$500 annual membership fee shall be paid by every full international member. A new membership fee can be decided during the Annual General Meeting based on the financial situation of the Association.
7.7 For retirees, the administration fee for new membership is waived and the annual membership fee is reduced by half.
8.1 The supreme authority of the Association is vested in a General Meeting of the members presided over by the President.
8.2 General Meeting includes Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April.
8.3 On joint request by not less than 25% of the total voting membership, or when the Committee deems it necessary, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called. The notice shall be given to the General Secretary. The extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within two months from receiving the request to convene such Meeting. No Committee member shall be elected or substituted by an Extraordinary General Meeting.
8.4 If the Committee does not convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within two months after receiving the notice, the members who requested for the Extraordinary General Meeting may convene the Extraordinary General Meeting by giving ten days’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted and simultaneously posting the agenda on the Association’s web page.
8.5 At least two weeks’ notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting and at least seven days’ notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of meeting shall state the agenda, date, time and location of the meeting, and shall be posted on the Association’s web page four days in advance of the meeting.
8.6 Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution, voting at all General Meetings can be done by voting members or by proxy provided that a power of attorney is given to the General Secretary before the meeting. Each person is allowed to act as the proxy of only one voting member.
8.7 The following points shall be considered at the Annual General Meeting besides other items posted in the agenda:
- a) The previous financial year’s accounts and annual report of the Committee.
- b) Where applicable, the election of Committee members and Honorary Auditors for the following term.
8.8 Any member who wishes to add an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so by giving notice to the General Secretary one week before the meeting is to be held. The Committee has the right to decide whether an item suggested shall be included into the agenda. Members have the right to put forward in the General Meeting the items they have raised to the Committee but failed to be accepted an call for a vote among the voting members present in the meeting. If more than half of the voting members present in the meeting think that the items proposed shall be included in the discussion, these items will be listed in the agenda of the next General Meeting.
8.9 At least 25% of the total voting membership, or 30 voting members, whichever is the lesser, present at a General Meeting shall form a quorum. Proxies shall not be constituted as part of the quorum.
8.10 In the event of there being no quorum at the commencement of a General Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to amend any of the existing Constitution.
9.1 The administration of the Association shall be entrusted to a Committee consisting of the following to be elected at every alternate Annual General Meeting:
A President
An Acting President
Four Vice Presidents
A General Secretary
Three Deputy General Secretaries
A Treasurer
A Deputy Treasurer
Ten Ordinary Committee Members
Total 22 Committee Members.
The Committee is entitled to appoint Affair Committee Members.
9.2 Names for the above offices shall be proposed by and seconded by at the Annual General Meeting and election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members. All office-bearers, except the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer may be re-elected to the same or related post for a consecutive term of office. The term of office of the Committee is two years.
9.3 Election will be either by show of hands or by a secret ballot, subject to the agreement of the majority of the voting members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
9.4 A Committee Meeting shall be held at least once every 2 months; it can be convened over the Internet along with other regular matters of the association. The General Secretary shall be responsible for the recording, organizing and archiving of meeting minutes. The General Secretary shall provide a notice via the Internet informing all committee members of the agenda, date, time and location of the meeting seven days in advance. The President may call a Committee Meeting at any time by giving five days’ notice through the Internet to the Committee Members. At least 1/2 of the Committee Members must be present for its proceedings to be valid. If voting is in need, it may be either by show of hands or by a ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
9.5 Any member of the Committee absenting himself from three meetings consecutively without reasonable explanations shall be deemed to withdraw from the Committee and a successor may be co-opted by the Committee to serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Any changes in the Committee shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies within two weeks of the change.
9.6 During the term of office of the Committee, should any Committee or harm the interest or reputation of the Association, and Extraordinary Committee Meeting shall be proposed by a Committee member and seconded by another Committee member and called by the President. If more than half of the Committee members present at the meeting no longer deem it proper for the Committee member to stay, the Committee would expel the Committee member from the Committee. This ex-member of the Committee has the right to appeal according to chapter 8.8 of this constitution within 2 weeks of the notice from the Committee and ask for a debate over the decision of the Committee in a General Meeting. The decision of the General Meeting will be final. If no appeal is made within specified period of time, the decision of the Committee meeting shall be final.
9.7 The duty of the Committee is to organize and supervise the day to day activities of the Association. The Committee may, form a sub-committee,such as hua yuan arts group,hua yuan bussiness association and so on, to assist the Committee in its management of day to day activities. The selection of sub-committee member shall be decided by the Committee. The Committee may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the General Meeting without prior reference to it and always remains subordinate to the General Meeting.
9.8 The Committee has power to authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding S$15,000 per month from the Association’s funds for the Association’s purposes.
10.1 The President shall chair all General and Committee Meetings. He shall also represent the Association in its dealings with external parties.
10.2 The Vice-President shall assist the President and deputize for him in his absence.
10.3 The General Secretary shall be responsible for the general administration of the Association, co-ordinate and supervise the operations and tasks of each groups. He shall keep all records, except financial, of the Association and shall be responsible for their accuracy. He will keep minutes of all General and Committee meeting. He shall maintain an up-to-date Register of Members at all times.
10.4 The Deputy General Secretary shall assist the Secretary and deputize for the Secretary in his absence.
10.5 The Treasurer shall keep all funds, collect and disburse moneys on behalf of the Association and shall keep an account of all money transactions and shall be responsible for their accuracy. He is authorized to expend up to S$2,000/-per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Association. He will not keep more than S$2,000/-in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Committee. The cheque from the Association is valid for withdrawals from the bank only when it is duly signed by two persons from the following four members: the Treasurer, the President, the Acting President and the General Secretary.
10.6 The Deputy Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and deputize for the Treasurer in his absence.
10.7 Ordinary Committee Members shall assist in the general administration of the Association and perform duties assigned by the Committee from time to time.
10.8 The Association reserves the right to nominate the Honorary President. There is no limitation in terms of the number of Honorary Presidents. Honorary Presidents may provide advice to the Committee on the development of the Association and the tasks of the Committee.
10.9 The President in force for more than three terms shall become Permanent Hon. Consultant of the Association automatically.
11.1 Two voting members, not being members of the Committee shall be elected as Honorary Auditors at each Annual General Meeting and will hold office for a term of one year only and shall not be re-elected for a consecutive term.
11.2 They:
- Will be required to audit each year’s accounts and present a report upon them to the Annual General Meeting.
- May be required by the President to audit the Association’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Committee.
11.3 The financial ear shall be from 1st February to 31st January.
12.1 If the Association at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees subject to declaration of trust.
12.2 The trustees of the Association shall:
- Not be more than four and not less than two in number.
- Be elected by a General Meeting of members.
- Not affect any sale or mortgage of property without the prior approval of the General Meeting of members.
12.3 The office of the trustee shall be vacated:
- If the trustee dies or becomes of unsound mind.
- If he is absent from the Republic of Singapore for a period of more than one year.
- If he is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a trustee.
- If he submits notice of resignation from his trusteeship.
If the trustee is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a trustee, a General meeting shall be called to remove the trustee and appoint someone else to fill the vacancy.
12.4 Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by posting it on the web page of the Association at least two weeks before the General Meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such General Meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies.
12.5 The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change must be notified to the Registrar of Societies.
13 Visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of the Association but they shall not be admitted into the privileges of the Association. All visitors and guests shall abide by the Association’s rules and regulations.
14.1 Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the Association’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters in to the premises is prohibited.
14.2 The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convinced in court of law.
14.3 The Association shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
14.4 The Association shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or service which adversely affect consumer interest.
14.5 The Association shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.
14.6 The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Association or its office-bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.
14.7 The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.
15 No alteration or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting with the consent of two thirds of the voting members presents at the meeting, and they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.
16 In the event of any question or matter pertaining to day-to-day administration which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the Committee shall have power to use their own discretion. The decision of the Committee shall be final unless it is reversed at a General Meeting of members.
17 In the event of any dispute arising amongst members, they shall attempt to resolve the matter at an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution. Should the members fail to resolve the matter, they may bring the matter to a court of law for settlement.
18.1 The Association shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than 3/5 of the total voting membership of the Association for the time being resident in Singapore expressed, either in person or by proxy, at a General Meeting convened for the purpose.
18.2 In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above (rule 18.1), all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General Meeting of members may determined or donated to an approved charity of charities in Singapore.
18.3 A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.